
Chung Sen (C.S.) LEUNG
Former Member of Parliament / Resident in RH Ward 6
As a journalist with over 15 years of experience, Michael Shiu is a skilful and effective communicator with exceptional insights on public affairs. I have known Michael for over a decade and I support him to be the next councillor in Ward 6 for Richmond Hill.

Founder, Yee Hong Centre for Gertriat Care
As a well-recognized journalist, Michael Shiu has made valuable contributions to the public through his dedication to journalism. He has devoted himself to various community work especially seniors’ issues. I truly believe he would make a great councillor representing the voice of and bringing much needed services to the residents of the riding.

Fairchild Radio AM1430 Former News Manager
Michael Shiu has shown both skill and drive throughout his works. With a clear vision of where he wants Richmond Hill to go in the future, Michael will bring a pragmatic and articulate voice to RH City Council.

烈治文山市小商戶 Small Business Own in Richmond Hill

Founding President of York Central Canadian Chinese Association (since 1983)
I have known Michael for many years and know how hard he works to serve his community. When he was the president of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Eastern Canada) Association, he has proven that he cares for the community and always wants to do more. I am confident Michael will be an excellent councillor and I support him fully.

A Resident of Ward 6 in Richmond Hill for 34 Years
My name is Rawdon Chan, a resident of Ward 6 in Richmond Hill for 34 years. Michael Shiu is a very nice man I know for years. He is a kind and warm-hearted person and has great knowledge and understanding of what people really need. I am sure he will do lots of good deeds for the residents of Richmond Hill if he is elected as Richmond Hill Ward 6 City Councillor.

阮眉 Yuen Mei
粵劇編劇撰曲家 Acclaimed Chinese Opera Composer and Lyrist
自從認識Michael 邵浩然、每次見面都觉得他為人忠厚、對人坦誠有禮、在談話中、更發覺他關懷社會、熱心公益、且對時事評論有真知卓見、若能當上議員、以他的學識才能、和充滿朝氣、定可造福市民、對社會有所貢獻、衷心祝他競選成功。

Past Immediate President of Toronto Chinese Writers Association

Michael's Good Friend In Music Lovers Group
Michael and I share a passion for responsible government, community engagement and good music. The City of Richmond Hill needs you, Michael.

Past President, Hong Kong Joint Universities (HKJU) in Ontario
I have had the opportunity to work with Michael on many occasions and witnessed his strong people skills and political acuity. His previous experience in the media industry has rendered him familiar with public concerns where he is able to leverage the media to spread the word about issues he feels strongly about, which will be very beneficial in promoting policies and engaging stakeholders in the future. I am very glad to learn that he's running for Ward 6 Councillor of the City of Richmond Hill as I trust he will be our voice. I am a proud endorser of Mr. Michael Shiu and look forward to seeing how he would make Richmond Hill a better city for all of us.

Past President of Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Eastern Canada) Association
As the past President of HKPUECA, it is my great pleasure to endorse Mr. Michael Shiu to run for City Councillor of Richmond Hill (Ward 6). He was the Board's Director and became the Alumni Association's President for three years. While working with him, he has shown that he is hard working, a good communicator and a person with integrity. He also showed his skill in problem-solving and forward thinking.
I am a proud supporter of Mr. Michael Shiu and hope that he will be elected as Councillor to serve the City of Richmond Hill.

President, Hong Kong Travel Industry (Toronto) Association
Dear Michael,
The public and I have had ample opportunities in the past few weeks to analyze the aims and objectives of the various competitors in the upcoming elections. Your honest and practical approach sets you apart from the other candidates. You have shown great concern for the residents of the community, and your willingness to listen to people's problems is commendable. I am writing today to show my allegiance and support for you and your campaign. It is my intention to vote for you. I will also spread the word about your abilities and competence.
I am confident that you will succeed.
Albert T. Yuen
President, Hong Kong Travel Industry (Toronto) Association